Thoughts and observations on the Swedish foursome
ABBA On Record. Projected publication date: 2023. English language. 448 pp. Hardback. CMP Text. ISBN: 978-91-519-0980-6 (or 9789151909806).
published September 29, 2022
In social media and elsewhere, there has been a lot of focus on my recently published book ABBA At 50. As a consequence, some have wondered whether I have forgotten completely about ABBA On Record - Packaged Promoted Reviewed, the book I've been working on for a few years now. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, ABBA At 50 has stolen very little time from ABBA On Record, as I've mainly used time that should have been devoted to relaxing to write ABBA At 50. So, the writing of ABBA On Record has never ground to a halt, it has been going on all the time.
The reason it has taken such a long time is my somewhat overambitious approach to the project: simply put, I wanted the book to be not just good, but really great. I have also had to wait for the right time to access the recording information related to ABBA's Voyage album. Early supporters of the book project may remember that, originally, I was only going to write about ABBA's "two new songs". Then, when we learned that an entire album was in the works, I naturally decided that I wanted to cover the entire album, recording sessions style, as best I could. I am pleased to report that I have recently made some headway in that regard, but I also want to point out that the ABBA recordings made in 2017-2021 have been put together in quite a different way than was the norm back in the 1970s. Technology has developed enormously since then, which means that one has to approach the recording information differently and tell the story differently. That said, I have acquired information that will let us know how the recording of the Voyage album developed, and, needless to say, I have facts and details that have not been made public before. This is all I want to say on this subject for now.
I shall post updates about ABBA On Record more regularly from now on. Much writing still remains to be done before the book is completed, but I am getting there. I can't tell you any exact publication dates yet, but it will be out in 2023 - and, if I may be so immodest, it will be worth the wait.
I want to thank everyone who has pre-ordered for your extraordinary patience as I put together a book that I believe will bring much new ABBA insight to us all. If only you knew exactly how grateful I am for your support.
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